Salary Survey represents a complex study on a target market, with the goal of identifying the existing salary levels on the market, for a certain profile.
HR due diligence requires a thorough analysis of a region or even an industry, from the HR point of view, in order to identify the potential for a new investment in that specific area or industry
HR Market Mapping service consists in mapping the market in order to get various information to create the basis for framing the management strategies within different companies
What is the personnel leasing? Personnel leasing is a HR service representing in essence the leasing of workforce on determined periods, as long as the employer needs it. In the last years, the personnel leasing has become an increasingly common pr
The Assessment Center is a standardized method for evaluating the competence of participants (skills, abilities, knowledge), which involves the integration of different types of information from different sources: The Assessment Center takes into conside
Echipa de recrutare are peste 6 ani de experienta (medie) in domeniu. De asemenea, managementul Sales Consulting (middle si de top) are o experienta de peste 16 ani in domeniul HR. Echipa Sales Consulting are o vasta experienta in recrutarea candid